Plain Absorbable Surgical Suture


  • Used in general closure in ophthalmologyurology, orthopedics, bowel, anastomosis, ligation, contra-indicted in cardiovascularand neurological tissue.
  • Raw goat casingswithout chromium compound processingand made of catgut.

Product Information

Technical Features
  • FarmaSino Absorbable sutures are made of synthetic polymers with predictable absorption profiles and are availabel as monofilament or multifilament(braiede).
  • Braided sutures are coated to increase smoothness to glide through the tissue.
  • The absorbable suture types support the wound at varying durations to offer the surgeons the best choice for each application.

Additional Information

Material plain catgut
Structure monofilament
Coating -
Colour straw
USP   range 6/0-3
Wound support* short-medium term
28 days
Tensile Strength* -
Absorption Profile* 28-90 days
Sterilization gamma irradiation
Characteristics excelent tensile strength
excellent knot security
easy to handle

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